If you are looking for payday loans till payday, then look no further than Focus Financial. We offer quick and easy payday loans, even if you have bad credit. Our aim is to provide a reliable and efficient service, so that you no longer have to worry when you have a financial emergency.
How does it work?
To apply for a cash advance with Focus Financial you simply fill out our online application form. This only takes a few minutes, and you will get a response from us immediately.
Do I have to send in any documents?
With our entirely faxless system, there is no need to physically send in any documents. We have an online screenshot programme, which enables you to take screen captures of your online banking. They are then sent to us automatically. Once you fill out the application, you will be walked through exactly how to use this programme. It really could not be easier. You can also email your bank statement if you prefer.
How long until I get the money?
Once we receive all of your information, the process is usually completed within an hour. A member of our friendly customer service team will process your application, and contact you to let you know if you have been approved. We then send the funds by email money transfer, which means the money will be with you within 30 minutes.
When do I pay the loan back?
Repayment of your loan is hassle free. We will debit the amount due on your next payday, directly from your bank account. At this point if you wish to take out another loan, then you may do so.
So, if you are in need of financial assistance, and want a loan till payday, then apply today with Focus Financial. Like hundreds of our other customers, you will not be disappointed.