Payday loans are small, short term loans that are paid back on your next payday. They are designed to help out with an unplanned financial emergency, or when your credit status makes borrowing with traditional lenders difficult. A cash advance can be a very useful tool, when used in the correct manner.
There are a few things to be aware of when applying for a payday loan:
- Be sure you choose a reputable firm with great reviews, such as Focus Financial Corp.
- Only borrow what you can afford to pay back
- Pay back the loan on time to avoid costly late fees
If you are living in Kitchener, Ontario and are thinking about obtaining a payday loan, then look to Focus Financial to help you out. We are well experienced in providing payday loans to residents of Kitchener for nearly a decade. Our service is quick and reliable, and our approval rates are unparalleled.
What do you do next? Simply be sure you meet the following requirements, and then apply online:
- 19 years of age
- Employed for at least three months
- Make at least $1000 a month
- Be able to provide the last 60 days of your bank statement
If you meet these criteria then you are pre-approved! Apply now to get your money.